We are now accepting self-referrals from women who would like to access 8 sessions of short-term counselling or pre-trial therapy, and are able to work remotely.

Short Term counselling offers the opportunity to develop well-being strategies through reconnecting with and developing internal and external resources over the course of 8 sessions. This could minimise the impact of sexual violence on daily functioning and to help you alleviate symptoms of trauma such as flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, anxieties or relationships difficulties. Pre-Trial therapy is similar, but tailored to women who are currently involved with the Criminal Justice System.

We are currently only delivering these counselling sessions online.

This program is suitable for women who:

  • can access the internet via a device with a camera and microphone
  • can be in a private space, undisturbed, for the duration of a weekly session
  • would like to improve their well-being and daily functioning after experiencing sexual violence but don’t feel ready to explore in depth their own experiences
  • are able to commit to eight weekly sessions
  • are not sure if longer term counselling is the right service for them
  • are not able to commit to longer term counselling at present
  • are thinking of making, or are currently engaged in, a report of sexual violence to the police

For more information about our counselling services, please click here.