Advocacy Counselling Helpline

Complementary Therapy

Aromatherapy, Swedish masage, reflexology

Complementary Therapy 

  • Aromatherapy is the use of plant essential oils for therapeutic processes. Aromatherapy oils are beneficial for psychological and physical wellbeing; including easing depression, reduction of stress, improving the immune system, boosts cognitive functions, eliminates headaches, induces sleep, improves digestion and increases circulation.
  • Swedish massage is the most popular massage there is. Five different strokes make up the massage, and the pressure can be light or as firm as you like it. It is perfect for reducing muscle tension, shoulder pain, lower back pain, poor circulation and stress.
  • Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is an alternative medicine involving an application of pressure to the feet and hands. Some benefits of reflexology are eliminating body toxins, induces a deep state of relaxation, stimulates the central nervous system, prevents migraines, helps to relieve sleep disorders and increases energy.

Complementary Therapy is only open to internal referrals.

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