Advocacy Counselling Helpline

Thanks for Listening

What using our service means

Call for poetry submissions

This International Women’s Day we are calling out for submissions of feminist short poems to celebrate feminist art and also to help raise money for SARSVL. Our aim is to select 12 original poems to create a ‘Feminist Poem a Month’ calendar and to sell this calendar as a winter fundraiser for SARSVL. If we

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Safe Space Blog

Safe Place Blog  Throughout International Women’s Day we have been celebrating and also raising awareness of sexual violence against women and girls. We know that information about sexual violence can be triggering and, even if not triggering, challenging to cope with. So, this is our safe space blog- a place where you can come if

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SARSVL’s Big Give Campaign

So we’ve been bangin’ on about the Big Give, but what is it? From midday this International Women’s Day, Tuesday 8 March – midday on Tuesday 15 March, SARSVL has the chance to DOUBLE any donations we receive up to £25,000 through the Big Give Women and Girls Match Fund initiative. That means every pound

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SARSVL Helpline Winter Opening Times

The SARSVL helpline will be open over the winter period as usual, with just 2 closures over the bank holidays of Monday 27th December and Monday 3rd January. We know that this period in particular can bring up lots of feelings that can be challenging. However you feel over the festive period is valid. We’re

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Thank you: Our open letter to Cllr Eileen Taylor and the people of Leeds

Dear Lord Mayor, Councillor Eileen Taylor and the people of Leeds We would like to express our thanks and let you know how grateful we are for your support during our time as the chosen charity of the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Eileen Taylor. Together we have raised an incredible £67,580 and this money

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Discover Leeds and raise money for SARSVL

Now we’re slowly starting to see each other once again, why not re-discover Leeds with the people you care about whilst raising some money for charity? We’ve only got a few weeks left of being the Lord Mayor’s Chosen Charity and Luminate Education Group have produced some great download-ables for all ages to raise some

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Call our helpline free on
0808 802 3344

Your call should be answered immediately during our helpline opening times, unless we’re on another call. If we’re closed or on another call you can leave us a message and we’ll call you back.