Advocacy Counselling Helpline

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We want to hear from you…….SARSVL Service user questionnaire

SARSVL questionnaire (service users) SARSVL are in the process of devising our new 5 year business plan which will outline the priorities for our charity from March 2021 through to April 2026. It is important to us that women that have accessed or are still accessing SARSVL services are able to influence our charity: we

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New Virtual Fundraising Pack from Lord Mayor’s Charity Appeal

SARSVL are particularly proud to celebrate our continued partnership with Lord Mayor Councillor Eileen Taylor and her Charity Committee by launching the new Lord Mayor’s Charity Appeal online Virtual Fundraising Pack, which you can download here. You can also download this accompanying editable poster, to share with everyone how much you’ve raised! The VF Pack includes

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0808 802 3344

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