Advocacy Counselling Helpline

Equality and Diversity Statement

We are committed to raising awareness of, and challenging, discrimination.

Support After Rape and Sexual Violence Leeds (SARSVL) Statement of Equality and Diversity

Support After Rape & Sexual Violence Leeds (SARSVL) recognises that groups and individuals in society have been and continue to be discriminated against on the basis of a range of factors, which include race, class, sex, gender, gender identity, marital status or Civil Partnership, pregnancy or maternity, ethnicity, nationality, age, disability, sexual orientation, socio­ economic background, educational background, postcode, HIV status and religion or belief.

We are committed to raising awareness of, and challenging discrimination, and we will not tolerate discriminatory behaviour from paid staff, volunteers or service users. We are committed to the principles of anti-discriminatory employment practice and recruitment, for both our paid staff and volunteers, and to ensuring that anyone who comes into contact with our organisation is treated with respect and dignity. If a member of staff, volunteer or service user feels they have been subject to or have witnessed discriminatory behaviour, they should raise this with the board of trustees (see Bullying and Harassment Policy or Complaints Policy).

We seek to ensure that our services are equally available and accessible to all women.  We will strive to meet individual needs and/or refer to appropriate specialist services wherever possible.

We are a women-led organisation, committed to providing services by women for women and girls within a cis and trans women-only safe space. At the same time, we offer information, signposting and confidential listening over our helpline to anyone who has been affected by sexual violence, including friends, partners and relatives of survivors, male survivors, and workers and professionals from other agencies.

All staff and volunteers must uphold and support this Statement of Equality and Diversity and the associated Equality and Diversity Policy. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action and/or ineligibility for membership.

(To request a copy of any of the policies mentioned in this statement please email info@sarsvl.org.uk)

Call our helpline free on
0808 802 3344

Your call should be answered immediately during our helpline opening times, unless we’re on another call. If we’re closed or on another call you can leave us a message and we’ll call you back.